Monday, February 27, 2012

No More Will Hobbs

Due to the fact that I am on the teeter-totter of failure in AP Biology, I need extra credit, a lot of extra credit. That extra credit will come in the form of reading a “textbook” on evolutionary theory.  “ Climbing Mount Improbable” by Richard Dawkins was said to be one of the best books written on evolutionary theory without a major resistance towards creationist beliefs.

This should be interesting for my mother in a smoking Mother Theresa. She is a devoted Christian with a stubborn outlook. The concept of Evolutionary Theory is impossible in her eyes. She needs concrete answers opposing her views on Creationism, whoever will shun any scientific answers.

I am the complete opposite of my mother, though I am religious. I believe in God however I believe in science. If you could combine both Creationism and Evolution Theory, you’d have my “religion”. I believe God created the Earth and evolution created diversity. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Chapter 10

So like usual I slept the full way up north, interrupted only by my father’s insistent murmuring about my mother’s failure to go under the speed limit. I wasn’t able to keep my eyes open long enough to read Downriver. I ended the adventures of Jessie and her fellow escapees in chapter nine. Continuing on into chapter ten, Jessie and crew dock into a utopian cavern; warm streams collected over a waterfall into a bathtub of luke warm blue. The waterfall was an escape from the stress involved with pirating the Grand Canyon. Inside Troy allows the group to relax and unwind.  Amidst the fun, Jessie spots Freddy attempting to climb through the caves scattered along the banks of the water. The two traveled through the caves; stopping for nothing except the spring. The spring was a Hopi (Southwestern Indian Tribe) sanctuary. Unknown to Jessie, Freddy was born a Hopi. The sanctuary was touching place for Freddy, from that he expressed his deeper, brooding emotions. Freddy gave light into his whole life; his mother, father, upbringing. Jessie was astonished by the show of emotion she never thought she was see. The two would talk until Freddy’s embarrassment overshadowed his bubbling emotions. The two would walk back to the waterfall in utter silence to be meet by blank stares from the rest of the group. Time had escaped the two in the sanctuary and hours had past. The group was frustrated by Jessie and Freddy’s little adventure. Night fell and day came and the group was still in disarray. Traveling down the river would be one of silence and awkward glares. The group came along river thunder; to be met by Al. He’s back. As the group was scouting the upcoming  rapid, Al came down the canyon face. No one could believe what he or she was seeing. Is their adventure over? Is Al going to turn them in? Are they going to jail? Did Heather rat on the group after she bailed at the boat landing?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Continuance of Downriver Chapters 1-9

I have not read more into my novel this week due to that fact that I will be stuck in a car for 4 hours with my ever-so interesting parents. So I decided that I could spending my family bonding time encapsulated in floating down the Grand Canyon and not I-43. Next week’s blog will tell the tale into what exactly happens when teenagers decide to take the river into their own paddles. See you down river.  

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Downriver - Will Hobbs Chapters 1-9

Downriver is the story about the adventures that Jessie, the main character, has as she pirates down the Grand Canyon with the other members from 'Hoods in the Woods'. 'Hoods in the Woods' is a a program officially entitled Discovery Unlimited, a nine week outdoor adventure program for delinquents to discover their selves. However, Jessie and her other camp members lose sight of the purpose of 'Hoods in the Woods' and steal the program's rafting equipment and begin their ever so dangerous adventure. Jessie is accompanied by Troy, the boarding school drop and Jessie's love interest, who takes the reigns as leader. Adam, the comedic 'ninja', Freddy, the quiet Indian, and Pug, the giant teddy bear who feels the need to impress, round off the male program members. Along with Jessie, Rita, the NYC ring leader who controlled a theft ring back home, Star, the Tarot- reading, quiet spiritualist, and Heather, the not-so-bad girl, round of the female program members. All members. with the exception of Heather, take on the undertaking of rafting down the Grand Canyon with no experienced guide or permit, but only a Arizona Driving Map.  As the plot continues and the group progresses down the Grand Canyon, difficulties are faced and people's nerves are tested. I personally haven't rafted down the Grand Canyon, but I have rafted down the Snake River in Wyoming. My group faced whitewater, however our guide was able to navigate through. Though rapids only last about 30 seconds, I discovered so much about myself. I used muscles I never existed and I make high pitched sounds I only thought pigs made. The first few chapters in Downriver had my mind relapsing to all my personal adventures, though I wasn't pirating down an uncharted river.